Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Christmas Week : 7 Interesting Things to Know

Christmas in India

Do you know who introduced the custom of singing carols during Christmas week? Or do you have any idea from where did the custom of hanging stockings come from? If no, then take a look at these Christmas facts from around the world:

1. Do you know that in A.D 350, the Bishop of Rome Pope Julius I announced December 25th as the official celebration date for the birth of Christ?

2. Green, Red, and gold are the traditional colours of Christmas in India and across the world. Green symbolises life and rebirth while red is for the blood of Christ and Gold represents wealth and light.

3. Christmas carols were first sung in Churches during the 13th century. During that time, St. Francis of Assisi introduced the custom of singing carols.

4. The custom of hanging stockings during Christmas week came from the Dutch custom of leaving shoes and stockings loaded with food for the donkeys of St. Nicholas. In return for the favour, he would leave the people a small token of love.

5. During Christmas Eve, people in Bolivia celebrate Misa del Gallo or Mass of the Rooster. During the midnight mass, people would bring roosters as they believe that it was the first animal who announced the birth of baby Jesus.

6. In India, Christmas week is celebrated with much zeal. The Windamere hotel, the only truly authentic colonial hotel in The Himalayas, celebrates Christmas week between December 20th and December 31st. During this time, famous entertainers from the West End Theatre District in London come here and enthral the audience with their performance. Christmas week has been celebrated in the same way since 1939 and still retains the charm and warmth from the Colonial era.

7. Ancient people belonging to the Druid community considered Mistletoe as sacred as it’s the only plant that remains green and bears fruit during the harsh winters. They would cut the plants using golden sickle and never keep it on the ground.


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